OET Speaking, Medicine- 56, Waterborne Illness

 OET Speaking, Medicine- 56.

Setting: Sub-urban Clinic


This 31-year-old, otherwise healthy patient has been experiencing stomach cramps, nausea, diarrhea, and dizziness for two weeks since swimming in a water hole (a natural hole where water collects) on a hiking trip. He/she originally thought it was the flu, but is now, seeking your advice as the symptoms are persisting.


* Question the patient to determine if he/she swallowed any contaminated water.

* Explain what contaminants' in the contaminated water are. (eg. micro-organisms from animal or human wastes etc)

* Recommend tests to confirm the cause (eg. stool sample microscopy, culture and sensitivity, parasites, ova and cysts, test for Norovirus etc)

* Recommend symptomatic treatment for now (eg. antiemetics, etc) and wait until the test results come back for specific treatment.

* Advise against anti-diarrhoeal agents until tests confirm there is no infective  (bacterial or viral) cause for diarrhoe.

 * Highlight the need to maintain adequate hydration. 


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