Task 2, Advantage /Disadvantage, Model Answer

 IELTS Task 2


Model Answer.

In some countries, children are often told that

 they can achieve anything if they try hard enough.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of

 giving such a message? 


Paragraph 1. Introduction.

* Paraphrase the general statement.
* Thesis statement.
[In this essay I will dwell on the advantages of it including ...... and ........ and disadvantages such as ....... and ........ . In my opinion even though there are a few minor demerits, the merits are more.]

Paragraph 2. Body para 1.

* To embark on, ..... (state two advantages).
* Explain each in a sentence.
* Give an example for any one.
* Conclude BP1

Paragraph 3. Body para 2

* On the flip side, this problem is not without any demerits. (give 2 demerits) 
* Explain each in a sentence.
* Give an examp;e for any one.
* Conclude BP 2

Paragraph 4. Conclusion.  

*To conclude, ....... (re-phrase the paraphrase of introduction.)
* Rephrase the thesis. ( Despite a few negatives, this problem has more positives; therefore, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages).

Model Answer

In today's competitive world, a section of the demographics assumes that  working hard is the only way to succeed. This idea has advantages, such as being able to be successful and IP independent in the future and disadvantages because sometimes working intelligently is better than working hard and working hard is laborious. In my opinion, working hard always pays off.

To embark on, our ancestors must have worked hard for things in life for us to to be able to see a world as it is now. Without any doubt, they worked hard to build and invent things which made our lives comfortable. It also helped us to save time, energy and money. For instance, if a student works hard, he/she can make his/her dreams come true. Thus, hard work pays dividends.

On the flip side, hard work alone is not enough because smart working is better than hard work. Human beings are endowed with cerebral faculties, with which they can approach and tackle problems and it makes all the difference between man and the beasts, which are destined to work only. For example, working hard on learning a whole book for an examination could take several hours and it is cumbersome, too. Instead, if we worked smartly and study only the area with a focus on the test, we could find time for revision and perform well in the examination. Therefore, hard work is not a panacea. 

To conclude, it is often argued that hard work alone is the solution to materialize our dreams.  In my opinion, even though hard work entails a few negatives, if a task is accomplished intelligently,  it is more beneficial.  

( Written by our Ms Hanna Prince)

Note: Read the essay several times and write your own essay and post it to me for feedback, which is vital.


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