IELTS Writing task 2- ESSAY WEEK

 Task 2 Essay Week

Sample Essay


You have 40 minutes answer. Write at least 250 words.

Society would benefit from a ban on all forms of advertising because it serves no useful purpose, and can even be dangerous.  To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Thanks to the exponential growth of science and technology, advertising has become ubiquitous; however, it is often argued that it should be banned because adverts  are futile and hazardous. (Paraphrase). In this essay, I totally disagree with the notion and validate my opinion that despite a few minor demerits, advertising is not only beneficial but also inevitable. (Thesis).

To embark on, there are multiple ways how advertising plays a crucial role in the society and why it cannot be ignored. {Argument] Firstly, it is a major industry offering employment opportunities to hundreds of thousands of people both directly and indirectly. Secondly, the very existence and thriving of  business depends exclusively on adverts. [Explanation] For instance, any blanket ban of advertising will culminate in the closure of manufacturing and marketing sectors. [Example]Thus, any step to ban advertising can have far reaching consequences destabilising the economy of the country. (Conclusion of BP1) 

In to the bargain, advertising plays a significant role in the social and healthcare sector, let alone their share in commerce. Governments use advertising as a medium of communication in transferring information to the public, to create awareness and educate the public on certain issues through a series of campaign. For example, adverts had no mean contribution in spreading awareness of several public health issues, the latest being the Covid 19 pandemic. The adverts on national pulse polio immunisation programme, female feticides, child marriage, dowry and so on had a  large scale classroom effect. Hence, a sweeping  ban on advertising can can cause more harm than good. 

To conclude, even though advertising is not free from flaws, overall, their significance cannot be belittled. This essay has totally disagreed with the notion that they are futile and even hazardous in the light of the benefits they confer on  the general public.

Sample Essay


Nowadays, many companies have their manufacturing facilities in different countries. Does this development have more advantages than disadvantages?
(IELTS, Iran, 16 March 2022).

Thanks to globalisation, which made transport telecommunication faster, several large companies are manufacturing their products in units established in different countries of the world.  (Paraphrase)This essay will dwell on the merits and demerits of this trend and establish my opinion that even though it has a few downsides, the advantages are more.(Thesis sentence)

To embark on, there are multiple benefits when giant multinational companies undertake their expansion in developing countries. Firstly, they offer vast employment opportunities for thousands of natives directly and indirectly. Secondly, since in those countries labour and resources are cheaper, the price of the finished products will be much less than what are manufactured in the country of their origin (2 advantages). For instance,  most of the automobile companies have their manufacturing or assembling units in different states of India, which alleviates the unemployment rate substantially.(Example) Thus, this trend is advantageous to the natives of the host countries.(BP1 Conclusion)

On the flip side, this phenomena is not without any demerits. One noteworthy disadvantage is that the monetary benefits amassed by the  companies by exploiting the manpower and resources of the host countries are always funneled to the parent countries and the economy of the host countries is in no ways benefitted. Moreover, the culture and tradition of the natives are affected by the operation of the multinational companies. For example, MNCs such as KFC has already altered the eating habits of Indians. Without any doubt,  the manufacturing units of the foreign companies are detrimental to the host countries. 

To conclude,  the operation of foreign manufacturing companies is both a blessing and a bane. Despite the few minor negatives, the positives  of this trend are more; therefore,  advantages outweigh the disadvantages.


Sample Essay

5.Two -way Question

You have 40 minutes to write. Write at least 250 words

With technology speeding up, more and more young people begin to use mobile phones and the internet, but old people have little chance to be exposed to them. In what ways could mobile phones and the internet be useful to old people? How can old people be encouraged to to use this technology?

Give reasons for your answer and include examples


Thank to the exponential growth of science and technology, the younger generation has become technophiles and they are comfortable with 
e-gadgets; however,  the elderly people are uneasy with them. (Paraphrase) This essay will dwell on how mobile phones and the net could be useful to them, and the ways to motivate the senior citizens to handle such technology easily. (Thesis sentence)

To embark on, there are multiple ways how the old generation can use modern communication technology.  The social isolation the senior citizen s suffer from can be sublimated  if they know how to use mobile phones and the internet. For example,  they can very easily contact their kith and kin using web camera. Moreover, they can call ambulance at emergency or make tele-consultations with doctors, sitting at the comfort of their homes. Thus, mobile phones and the internet are a boon for the old people.

On top of that, we can inspire the old people to use modern communication gadgets. To that end, governments and NGOs should offer them free training and make them available at subsidized rate. . For instance, in several countries around the globe user-friendly models are available in the market, which can alleviate much of the concerns of old people.  In this way, old people can be encouraged to use the new technology.

To conclude, although the young generation is tapping the full benefits of the blessings modern technology, the older people are striving to catch up with them. This essay has established how they could reap the blessings of cell phones and the net and how to encourage them to attain it. 

Sample Essay
(Causes and Effect)

You have 40 minutes for this task. Write at least 250 words.

The natural resources such as oil, forests and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it cause? How can we solve them?

Give reasons for your arguments and give examples from your knowledge or experience.


Paragraph 1. Introduction (55 to 60 words), 5 minutes
* Paraphrase the general statement
* Thesis sentence

Paragraph 2. Body paragraph 1 ( 75 to 80 words), 10 minutes.
* Two effects of over-consumption of fossil fuels
* Explain each (Reasons for your argument)
* One example
* Conclusion of BP1

Paragraph 3. Body paragraph 2 ( 75 to 80 words), 10 minutes.
* Two solutions
* Explain each ( Reasons for your arguments)
* One example
* Conclusion of BP2

Paragraph 4. Conclusion ( 55 to 60 words), 5 minutes
* Rephrase the general statement
* Rephrase the thesis.
[Planning: 5 minutes. 
Proof reading: 5 Minutes.
Total no of words: 260 to 270]


The unbridled consumption of non-renewable deposits of nature is a matter of grave concern for one and all(paraphrase).  This essay will dwell on the adverse effects of it including the total depletion of the fossil fuels and the pollution caused by the excessive use of oil. Besides, the possible remedies are also suggested. (Thesis sentence)

To embark on, the over-exploitation of the natural resources will result in great hazards both to man and nature.  Firstly, these natural resources are limited in quantities and an uncontrolled tapping of them can result in their total depletion. Secondly, fossil fuels are the major sources of energy and the burning of them produces  emissions, which will alter the atmospheric condition creating havoc to all living beings (Two effects and reasons). For instance, the global warming is directly related to the carbon emission. the primary cause of which is the burning of these fuels (Example). Thus, the unmindful use of non-renewable energy sources can cause untold miseries to the the planet. (Conclusion) 

However, this problem is not without any solutions. First and foremost,  we must practise husbandry in the use of oil, water and such non-renewable energy resources. Conservation of them should be included in the school syllabus so that this idea could be be effectively inculcated in the younger minds(Two solutions and reasons). For example. the Nature Clubs functioning in schools can impart positive awareness among children on the importance of  protecting nature.(Example) Therefore, with judicious approaches, the problem can be resolved. 

To conclude, natural resources are non-renewable and an excessive exploitation can lead to the total depletion of them.(Re-state general statement) This essay has discussed the effects of over-consumption of fossil fuels and put forward a few feasible solutions (Re-state thesis)

Task 2. Marking Criteria.

1. Task Response (TR)

This criterion checks the relevance of your answer. It includes:
a) If you have answered to the question fully
b) If you have written at least 250 words
c) If you have given reasons for your arguments
d) If you have given relevant examples

2. Coherence and Cohesion

This criterion checks how well you have organized your essay using a rage of linking words. Follow a four paragraph structure:

a) Introduction
* Paraphrase the general statement of the question prompt
* Thesis sentence, which is the answer

b) Body paragraph 1

* Argument 1
* Explain the argument
* A relevant example
* Conclude the paragraph

c) Body paragraph 2 

* Argument 2
* Explain the argument
* A relevant example
* Conclude the paragraph
d) Conclusion

* Re-state the paraphrase
* Re-state the thesis.

3. Lexical Resource

This checks your vocabulary power.  You are required to use 'less common words' and demonstrate range of words/

4. Grammatical range and Accuracy

This criterion checks your grammar.
Use a range of grammatical devices such as:
a) Complex sentences
b) Compound sentences
c) Active and passive sentences
d) Negative sentences
e) Conditional sentences
f) a range of tenses

Time management and word control

No of words:  about 60.     Time : 5 minutes
Body Paragraph 1
No of words: about 80.    Time: 10 minutes

Body Paragraph 2
No of words: about 80.    Time: 10 minutes

No of words: about 60.     Time: 5 minutes. 

Total Words: 260 to 270.  Time: 40 minutes.

Type of IELTS Task 2 Essays

1. Agree/Disagree
2. Advantages/Disadvantages
3. Causes and Solutions
4. Discuss Both views
5. Two-way questions

Type 1 


Sample questions

1. In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should be spent on researching another planet, such as Mars to live. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2. Many people say that the only way to guarantee a a good job is to complete a course in university education. Others claim that it is better to start work and gain experience in the world of work. How far do you agree or disagree with the above views?

3. Some people think that the governments must insist on preserving the traditional appearance of old buildings undergoing renovation or redevelopment. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement? 

4. Do you agree or disagree that out of the country's health budget, a a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health and education and preventive measures?

5. It is impossible to help all people in the world , so the the governments should only focus on people in their own countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

6. Many people believe that schools should teach children to become good citizens and workers rather than independent individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree ?

7. People should follow customs and traditions when they start living in a new country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

8. Although more and more people read the news on the internet, newspapers will remain the most important source of news for majority of people. Do you agree or disagree?

9. Some people think that international trade and communication with other countries is a positive trend, while others think it is harmful to nations and they might lose their identities. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

10. Nowadays, university education is very expensive. Some people say that universities should reduce their fees, especially for the less fortunate students or for those coming from rural areas. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


(a) If you totally agree:

Paragraph 1: Introduction
* Paraphrase of general statement
* Thesis sentence. 
[In this essay, I will totally agree with the notion and establish my opinion that............ ]

Paragraph 2: Body paragraph 1.
* Why you agree (first reason)
* Explain the reason
* Example
* Conclude BP1

Paragraph 3. Body paragraph 2. 
* Why you agree (The second reason)
* Explain the reason
* Example
Conclude BP2

Paragraph 4. Conclusion
* Re-state the paraphrase
* Re-state the thesis.

(b) If you disagree totally

Paragraph 1. Introduction
* Paraphrase the general statement
* Thesis sentence
[In this essay,  I will totally disagree with the statement and establish my opinion that......]

Paragraph 2. Body paragraph 1
* Why you disagree ( First reason)
* Explain the reason
* Example
* Conclude the paragraph

Paragraph 3. Body paragraph 2.
* Why you disagree (second reason)
* Explain the reason
* Example
* Conclusion

Paragraph 4 Conclusion
* Re-state the general statement
* Rewrite the thesis

(C) If you partially agree.

Paragraph 1. Introduction
* Paraphrase general statement
* Thesis
[In this essay, I will partially agree with the statement and in my opinion........... ]

Paragraph 2. Body paragraph 1
* Why you agree
* Reason why you agree
* Example 
* Conclude

Paragraph 4. Conclusion
* Re-phrase the general statement
* Re-write the thesis

Model Essay.
(totally agree)

Some people think that  people improve their intellectual skills more when they are doing group activities. How far do you agree or disagree with the statement?

It is often argued that accomplishing a task as a group bolsters the intelligence level of individuals more than if it is done individually. In this essay, I will totally agree with the statement and establish my opinion that several researches have proved that team work and group studies cater to the over-all development of an individual's intelligence level. 

Model Answers
(Totally Disagree)

1. Some people say that children should not be permitted to use the internet. How far do you agree or disagree with the statement?

Among the gadgets, which revolutionized the modern life, there is nothing so controversial as the internet because the general public are divided in their perspective of its use, especially by children. It is often argued that they ought not be allowed to use the net. However, in this essay I totally disagree with the notion and establish my opinion that the internet is a boon for children.

To embark on,  the internet is a blessing for the young learners. It is an unending source of information, which students can pursue on a daily basis. Moreover, during the Corona pandemic scenario, it is the internet that furnished total support to the student community to recommence their studies. For instance, a recent survey conducted by the UNICEF reveals the truth that the educational system of several countries would have collapsed beyond repair  if the net had not been utilized to salvage it. Thus, the internet is an inevitable support to children.

To conclude, the common people are divided in their stance about allowing children to use the internet. This essay has validated my opinion that I totally disagree with the argument that children should not be permitted to use the net because it  is a tool that has multiple benefits to children.

2. Partially Agree

Some people say that children should not be permitted to  use the internet. How far do you agree or disagree with the statement?

Among the gadgets, which revolutionized the modern life, there is nothing so controversial as the internet because the general public are divide in their perspective of it use, especially by children. It is often argued that they ought not be allowed to use the net. However, in this essay, I partially agree with the notion and will establish my opinion that the internet is a mixture of both merits and demerits as far as children are concerned. 

To embark on, the internet is blessing for the young learners. It is an unending source of  information, which the students can pursue on a daily basis, Moreover, during the Corona pandemic scenario. it is the internet that furnished total support to the student community to recommence its studies. For instance, a recent study conducted by the UNICEF revealed the truth that the educational system of the country would have collapsed beyond repair if the internet had not been utilized to salvage it. Thus, the internet is an inevitable support to children.

On the flip side, the net is not without any blemishes. No wonder, the irresistible attraction of it induces children to become addicted to the internet. Besides, it is infested with contents hazardous to children. A premier example is the research paper published  the Ministry of Education in India, which shows that more than 80 percent of the children are addicted to obscene materials cluttered on the net. Therefore, exposure to the internet can be a potential danger to the young ones.

To conclude, the common people are divided In their stance about allowing children to use the net. This essay has validated my opinion that I partially agree with the argument that children should not be permitted to the internet because it is a tool that contains both vices and virtues.

Type 2 

Sample Questions

1. Nowadays, more and more people would rather purchase food than cook at home. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

2. Technology is being used more and more in education. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of it.

3. In most countries, fast food is becoming cheaper and more available. Do you think the advantages of this development outweighs the disadvantages?

4. Damage to the environment is an inevitable consequence of the improvement in the standard of living. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this development?

5. In several countries, teenagers are encouraged to do part-time jobs. Do you think the advantages of this situation outweighs the disadvantages?

6. Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language  at the primary school rather than secondary school/ Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

7. Nowadays, many people choose to be self-employed rather than to work for a company or organization. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being self-employed?

8. Nowadays, scientists and tourists can travel to the remote natural environments such as the South Pole. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this development?

9. On vehicle-free day, private cars trucks and motorcycles are banned in the city centres, while public transport is permitted. Do the benefits of vehicle-free day outweigh the disadvantages?

10. Some schools these days insist that all students have their own laptop computers in class to assist in their education. Do you feel that it would be an advantage to students or unnecessary complications? 


Paragraph 1.
*Introduction - Paraphrase the general statement.
* Thesis sentence.
[ This essay will dwell on the advantages of.........(topic) including.......... and ........... and the  disadvantages such as .......... and ............ .  In my opinion, even though there are a few minor demerits, merits are more: therefore, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. ]

Paragraph 2. Body paragraph 1.
* State 2 advantages. 
[To embark on, ......... ]
* Explain each advantage.
* Example for any of the advantage/
* Conclude BP1.

Paragraph 3. Body paragraph 2.State two disadvantages. 
[On the flip side, ................ (topic) is not without any demerits.] 
* Explain each
* Example for any one.
* Conclude BP2.

Paragraph 4. Conclusion.
* Restate the paraphrase of the introduction.
* Re-phrase the thesis.
[ This essay has discussed the advantages and disadvantages of  ............. (topic) and validated my opinion that despite a few minor demerits merits are more : the advantages outweigh the disadvantages,]

Model Essay

International tourism has enormous benefits, but it has concerns for the local inhabitants and environment. Do you think the advantages of international tourism outweigh its demerits?

Global tourism has witnessed a burgeoning growth, thanks to globalization, and it has become a vogue among the people to explore different parts of the world. It is often argued that international tourism has myriad merits; however, many people believe that it is not conducive to natives and the locality. This essay will dwell on the merits such as increased economic activities and infrastructural developments of the tourist destinations. At the same time, we ought not ignore the drawbacks of it including the adverse effects on local culture and pollution. In my opinion, even though there are a few demerits, the merits outweigh its downside.

To embark on, the proponents of international tourism plead that it bolsters the economic activities of the locality and cater to the development of infrastructure. The first and foremost, the tourist centres are frequented by international visitors who spend their money over there, and thus it brings prosperity to the host country. Moreover, tourism creates a huge demand for local employers in the global market. A premier example is Switzerland, a country that is thriving entirely upon its tourists, who play a pivotal role in the economy of the country. Thus, without any doubt, international tourism escalates the development of the host country.

On the flip side, international tourism is not without any demerits because it is detrimental to the native cultures and traditions, besides creating havoc on the environment. Obviously, the dominant alien cultures sit upon the native cultures and make them dysfunctional in the due course of time.  Above all, many of the tourist spots which were glorified for their pristine beauty have become heaps of garbage beyond repair. The best example is the exorbitant rate of pollution faced by Sabarimala, which is reputed for its environmental beauty. Therefore, we may conclude that international tourism paves ways for   the damage to the environment and  culture of the natives.

To conclude, although international tourism caters to the development of tourist spots, it harms the environment and local culture. This essay has discussed the positives and negatives of of tourism and validated my opinion that despite a few minor demerits, the merits are more ; therefore, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Type 3
Causes and Solutions

Sample Questions

1. Parents complain about violence promoted to their children through video games, TV programmes, and other media.
Why is this happening?
What are the solutions?

2. Global warming is one of the most serious problems that the worlds is facing today.
What are the causes of global warming?
What measures can individuals and governments take to tackle the issue.

3. Nowadays, more and more older people who need employment have to compete with younger people for the same job.
What problems does this cause?
What are the solutions?

4. Influence of human beings on the world's ecosystem is leading to the extinction of species and loss of bio-diversity.
What are the primary causes of loss of bio-diversity?
What solutions can you suggest?

5, In many developed countries, stress is one of the biggest problems.  
What are some of the factors that cause this stress?
How can we reduce stress?

6. Fresh water has become a global problem for the whole world.
What are the causes for this? What measures should be taken by the government and the individuals to solve this problems?

7. Many people believe that high levels of violence in films today are causing serious social problems. What are the problems? How can they be remedied?


Paragraph 1

* Paraphrase  the general statement
* Thesis sentence.
[This essay will dwell on the causes of............. (topic) including ............  and ................ , and feasible solutions such as .......... ]

Paragraph 2.
Body Paragraph 1
* To embark on .............. ( state two causes)
* Explain each cause.
* Give a relevant example
* Conclude BP1.

Paragraph 3
Body paragraph 2. 
* On the flip side this problem is not without any remedies. In my opinion, the suitable solutions are .............  and ...........
*Explain each solution
* Give a relevant example for any of the solutions
* Conclude BP2.

Paragraph 4. Conclusion.
* To conclude, ............. re-state the paraphrase of the introduction.
* Re-state the thesis. [ This essay has established the causes  of............... (topic) and put forward a few solutions to resolve

Model Answer

In many countries, the amount of crime is increasing. 
What do you think are the causes of crime?
How can we deal with these causes?

The burgeoning rate of crime is a grave concern for all countries around the globe. [Paraphrase]This essay will dwell on the causes of ever increasing number of crimes, including the influence of intoxicating drugs and the abject poverty existing among the less privileged section of the society. [2 Causes ] However, this deleterious situation can be remedied by inflicting harsh laws and improving employment opportunities, which will alleviate poverty.[2 solutions]

To embark on, the easy availability of intoxicating drugs coupled with grim poverty prevailing among the people exacerbate crime rates. [2 causes] For instance, a recent study conducted by the Sociology Department of Kerala University reveals that children growing in extreme poverty are seven times more likely to be involved in violent crimes when they become young adults. [example] Thus, among the several causes that promote crime, poverty and availability of drugs play a pivotal role.[Conclusion]

Even though the situation is grim, we are not without any amiable solutions. The escalating rate of crime can be effectively controlled by stringent laws and developing more and more employment opportunities. [Solution 1] If punishments are severe, people will refrain from engaging in felony. [Solution 2]The premier example is the Middle East countries, where the inhabitants dare not indulge in crime because they know the laws are too strict to be broken. [Example]Therefore, by enforcing severe laws and offering more job opportunities, the alarming growth of crimes can be controlled. [Conclusion BP2]

To conclude, the rapidly growing rate of crimes looms large in the world today. The causes of it are the influence of drugs and utter poverty existing everywhere. [causes paraphrased] Despite its seriousness, the problem can be solved solved proactively by imposing strict laws and providing employment opportunities to one and all.[Solutions paraphrased]


Some children spend hours every day on their smart phones.  

What do you think are the problems caused by this?  How can we address them??


What are the causes of this? How can we address them?

Thanks to the exponential development of science and technology, e-gadgets have become ubiquitous among the children, who devote most of their precious time on on mobile phones. This phenomenon is due to multiple reasons including the irresistible attraction to social media and parental influence.  I personally believe that this development has a detrimental effect on the children and the society in the long run.

To embark on, there are multiple factors that drive young ones to spend hours on technology. Firstly, the entertainments found on social media are so alluring that, they make children addicted to scrolling through the internet. Secondly, parents offer smart phones to their children from an early age onwards to occupy their time instead of motivating them to go outside and play. For instance, a recent study conducted by the Times of India reveals that social media platforms are designed to increase people's consumption of the content posted online.  Thus, all these contribute to the current problem.

On the flip side, this menace is not without any remedies.  Firstly, ............................... . Secondly.............. For example, ............. Thus, the abuse of mobile phone can be effectively checked.

To conclude,  with the advancement of technology, the use of mobile phones have increased substantially. This essay has dwelt on the causes that make children victims of e-gadgets and the feasible solutions such as restricting its use to those under certain age. 

Type 4
 Discuss Both Views

Sample questions

1. Some people say that competition among children could be be promoted, while others believe that co-operation is more important.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

2. Some people say that entry to museums and art galleries must be made free, while others believe that it must be controlled by levying a fee. 
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

3. Some people think that the huge amount of money that is funneled into space research should be used for the development of health and education, while  others feel that space technology is important and it cannot be ignored.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

4. Computers are being used more and more in education. Some people think that this is a positive trend, while others feel this is leading to negative consequences. 
discuss both views and give your opinion

5.  A growing number of people feel that animals should not be be exploited by people and they have the same right as humans, while others argue that we must employ animals for our various needs, including food and research.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Paragraph 1, Introduction

* Paraphrase the general statement.
* Thesis sentence.
[This essay will dwell on both the views and establish my opinion that...........................].

Paragraph 2 Body Para 1.
* State the first view
* Explain it
* Give a relevant example
* Conclude BP 1

Paragraph 3. Body Para 2.
* State the second view
* Explain it
* Give a relevant example
* Conclude BP2.

Paragraph 4, Conclusion
* Re-state the General Idea
* Restate the thesis sentence including your opinion.

Model  Answer

A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited  by people and they have the same rights as humans, while others argue that humans must employ animals to satisfy their various needs . Discuss both views and give your opinion. 

Animals have been used in diverse ways to fulfil the multifarious requirements of human beings ever since the dawn of history.  It is often argued that they should not be abused for human needs;
however, others disagree and they think that the use of animals is inevitable for the existence of human race. This essay will dwell on both the views and validate my opinion that the use of animals can be sanctioned, provided we inflict minimum pain upon them.

To embark on, the proponents of animal exploitation believe that it is acceptable to use living beings for human survival. They reckon that no stones should be unturned to ensure the continued existence of Homo sapiens because they are the most evolved of all creatures. Whether it is for food or for research purposes, animals are the indispensable resources. For instance, several diseases which were thought to be incurable are now entirely under our control, or even eradicated from he face of the earth because of the experiments conducted on them.  Therefore, the exploitation of animals is justified.

On the flip side, a section of the demographics feels that using animals for research purposes is unethical because they also enjoy the privilege of animal rights. For example, the excruciating pain meted out to animals in the name of human welfare is entirely unacceptable. Despite this, the use use of animals can be sanctioned, provided we inflict minimum pain upon them because usage of animals  imperative.  

To conclude, it is widely held that animals ought to be treated in the same way as humans are, where as others deem that it is more important to use them for food and researches. This essay has discussed both the views and established my opinion that even though exploitation of animals is unethical and inhumane, it can be justified if we inflict less pain and more care for them.

Type 5.
Two-Way Question 

Sample questions

1. In education and employment, some people work harder than others.
Why some people work harder than others?
Is it always  good to work hard?

2.  Success is often measured by wealth and material possessions.
Do you think wealth is the best measure of success?
What makes a successful person?

3. Some parents buy their children whatever they ask for, and allow their children to do whatever they want. 
Is this a good way to raise children?
What consequences this style of parenting will have for children as they get older?

4. Fossil fuels are essential for producing electricity, powering industry and fueling transportation. However, one day we will reach a point when all the world's fossil fuels have been depleted. 
How can we conserve these resources?
What are some alternatives to fossil fuels?

5. The arts, including art, music and theatre are considered to be important in society. 
Do you think arts still have a place in our modern lifestyle?
Should arts be included in the school curriculum?

* paraphrase the general statement
* Thesis sentence.
[ This essay will dwell on ................. (the first question) and establish my opinion that................. (second question).

Paragraph 2. Answer question 1:
* Topic sentence
* Explain the idea
* Relevant example
Conclusion BP1.

Paragraph 3 
Body para 2. Answer  question 2
Explain the idea
Relevant example
Conclusion BP2

*  Rewrite introduction - General statement.
* Rewrite thesis sentence

Common mistakes found in IELTS answer sheets:

1. Not answering both the questions fully
2. Not outlining both  answers in the thesis sentence of the introduction.
3. Confusing the question to be of any other types. It is easy to confuse two-way question with the other four types of IELTS questions

Model Answer

Living in large cities today poses several problems for the people.
What are these problems?
Should governments encourage people to live in smaller towns?

More and more people reside in cities these days than any time in the past and this propensity will continue in the future. In this essay, I will validate my opinion that this trend has resulted in several predicaments, including the exorbitant over-crowding and a increasing growth in pollution. I reckon that governments should act proactively and take measures to make living outside cities more mesmerizing.

To embark on, there is a wide spectrum problemss associated with the rise of modern cities; however,  the most vital one is the population density. The large number of people crammed into a relatively small area has caused expensive housing, increased traffic and alarming rate of pollution. For instance, the apartment prices in mega cities like Mumbai or Paris have soared to the point, where only the wealthiest can afford a decent living space. Thus, large cities cause detrimental effects on the society.

Even though a grave issue, it is not without any resolutions. In fact, many of these maladies can be solved by the judicious approaches of governments. First and foremost, encourage citizens to re-locate to rural areas. The authorities should ensure that the amenities available in cities are present in rural areas also. Developing satellite cities is another remedy.  The premier example is the creation of Navi Mumbai, a sub-urb, which could salvage the suffocating Mumbai city. Therefore, governments with a stern will power can sublimate many concerns faced by the large cities and make life hassle-free.

To conclude, major cities around the globe face multifarious problems such as over-population and pollution. These concerns can be countered by creating creating satellite cities and making the villages more comfortable places to live in.

Question 2

Fossil fuels are essential for producing electricity, powering industry and fueling transportation. However, one day we will reach a point when all the world's fossil fuels have been depleted.
How can we conserve these resources?
What are some of the alternatives to fossil fuels?

Non-renewable energy sources play a pivotal role in the production of energy for industries and transportation. Due to the unbridled consumption,  these sources are at the brink of depletion. This essay will dwell on the methods to save fossil fuels from getting depleted and suggest alternatives to these precious sources.

To embark on, a lion's share of the renewable sources of energy is used for transportation. If we promote the use of public transport and share the vehicles by people travelling similar routes, these sources can be saved. For example the odd and even rule adapted by the government of Delhi, wherein people can ply their vehicles only on specific allotted days depending on the number plates being odd or even. Without any doubt, this step motivated increased dependence on metros and carpooling among the people, resulting in reduced consumption of these dear resources.

By employing other resources such as hydroelectricity,  solar power and wind electricity, non-renewable sources can be effectively saved. These sources are freely available and enough in supply. Moreover, they cause no emission of harmful gases. For example, a study conducted by the ANERT reveals that hydroelectric power is much economical. Therefore, such alternative sources of energy can be utilized to save the earth from depletion of fossil fuels and the impending catastrophe of an energy crisis. 

To conclude, fossil fuels, which play a vital role in generating energy is fast diminishing now.  This essay has established that promoting the preference for public transport and car pooling can save these energy sources. Furthermore,  generating energy from water, sun and wind are effective substitute for non-renewable energy sources. 

Model  Answer 3

Many supermarkets are selling more and more products that are imported, instead of selling food that is locally sourced.
What are the reasons for this?
Is it a positive or negative trend?

Sample Answer

Thanks to globalization, supermarkets today sell too many food products which are grown in countries abroad compared to the locally produced ones. (Paraphrase). This essay will dwell on the causes of this trend, including the changes in consumer tastes and a belief that they have more benefits than their native counterparts. In my opinion, this is a negative outcome.(Thesis Sentence)

To embark on, the principal causes of why supermarkets are flooded with foreign food are an exponential shift in the consumers taste and the belief the foreign goods possess certain merits over the edibles produced regionally. Firstly, the advances in the air transport has allowed supermarkets to import products, including perishables, from all over the world swiftly.  Secondly, imported products usually must pass certain qualifications, which are not mandatory for local food items. For example, imported vegetables and fruits are examined rigorously to ensure they are devoid of insecticides and pass certain criteria regarding nutrition. Thus, multiple factors contribute to the surge in foreign foods in the local outlets. 

This shift is negative because it is detrimental to the local farmers. The native producers must compete with the giant multinationals who could afford to sell their products at a lower price. Obviously, the consumers buy cheaper products and it is a fatal blow to the local growers, who are forced to put their shutters down. For instance, a study conducted by the Agricultural Ministry of Punjab reveals that thousands of farmers ceased to grow vegetables and fruits because they can no longer face the challenges put forward by the importers. Therefore, in my opinion, this is a negative development.

To conclude, even though the supermarkets currently enable the shoppers to have more varied products from all around the globe, this process poses tremendous risk for the local producers . Thus, this essay has discussed the causes why the supermarkets are saturated with imported food products and validated my opinion that it is a negative trend.

Lexical Resource (LR).

All around the world, websites, textbooks and courses perpetuate certain myths about IELTS  and the chief among them is the crazy ideas about vocabulary.  For instance, there's a video in the You tube in which a young lady tells her followers that they must use the five particular words to get a very good score(8)!!!! This is a dangerous situation. 
IELTS is a language test and 25% of its score is on 'lexical resource'. IELTS Writing Task 2 band descriptors (public version) says:

*use sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision.......
* use less common lexical items with some awareness of style and collocation........

"Less common" should not be confused with "the most difficult" or obscure words. In fact, using such words can have adverse consequences on scoring. Your vocabulary should reveal a  "sufficient range". For example, instead of using the word  "many", which is a B2 level of word (5.5 band), use its synonyms such as "several", " numerous", "manifold", "multifarious" and so on. 

Imagine, when you are going to write on 'crime', you know the words like 'prison', criminal' and 'punishment'. However, are they less common words?  An uncommon word in this context is 'incarcerated' . Moreover, you are expected to know the difference between 'jail' and 'prison'; a 'suspect' and a 'criminal' and an 'ex-convict'. you can also use words like, 'reform', 'judicial system' or 'behind the bars'.

How to learn vocabulary? 
Use the right word, at the right time, at the right place. Go through the five model essays given above. We have used nearly fifty rarely used words. See how they are used, study the context, meaning, spellings and collocations. Read those essays on a daily basis. You can use these words judiciously for any essays you write.

Vocabulary used in the model essays

(Used in Agree/Disagree type)

1. Revolutionized 
2. Controversial
3. Perspective
4. To embark on
5. Salvage
6. Blemishes
7. Hazardous 
8. Cluttered
9. Validated

(Used in Advantages/Disadvantages)

10. Burgeoning growth
11. Vogue
12. Myriad
13. Conducive to
14. Adverse ramifications
15. Proponents
16. Bolsters
17. Cater to
18. Frequented by
19. Premier example
20. Play a pivotal role
21. Escalates
22. On the flip side
23. Detrimental to
24. Create havoc
25. Dominant alien culture
26. Make dysfunctional 
27. Exorbitant
28. Paves way for


29. Grave concern
30. Abject poverty
31. Draconian laws
32. Alleviate poverty
33. Coupled with
34. Exacerbate
35. Amiable and amicable
36. Stringent laws
37. Refrain from
38. Looms large

(Discuss both views) 
39. Multifarious
40. Dawn of history
41. Eradicate poverty
42. Excruciating pain

( Two-way question)

43. Propensity
44. Predicaments
45. Proactively
46. Mesmerizing
47. Judicious
48. Hassle-free
49. Countered.
50. Maladies.







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