OET Writing - Signal Words
OET Writing - Signal Words
Signal Words are words or phrases that indicate the relationship between different parts of a sentence or paragraph, making the text easier to understand.
They can cue the reader about an organisational pattern in the text or show a link or transition between ideas.
In the context of OET writing, using signal words can help you achieve a better score by making your letter more coherent and easier to follow.
1. Signal words - Time
Example: Today, Mr Richards was re-assessed and showed a significant improvement in respiratory function.
Example: Recently, Ms Adams underwent a comprehensive cardiac evaluation, which indicated the need for a change in medication regimen.
On review today,
Example: On review today, Mr Peter exhibited no adverse reactions to the new medication, and all vital signs remained stable.
Two weeks later,
Example: Two weeks later, Mrs Patrick returned for a follow-up appointment, and it was noted that his symptoms had subsided significantly, allowing for a reduction in medication dosage.
On her next visit,
Example: On her next visit, Mrs Roberts was advised to bring her medication list to ensure proper follow-up treat plan.
On her subsequent visit,
Example: On her subsequent visit, Ms Adams will receive the results of her blood tests and discuss the next steps in her treatment plan with the specialist.
Example: Initially, two years ago, Mr Patrick presented the clinic with the complaints of pain in the 37 region.
On 27 May 2024,
Example: Initially, on 27 May 2024, Mrs Xavier presented the hospital with a complaint of stomach ache.
2. Signal words - Location
During hospitalisation,
Example: During hospitalisation, Mrs Williams was closely monitored for any adverse reactions to the new medication regimen.
On examination,
Example: On examination, it was noted that Mr Morgan's wound was healing well, with no signs of infection.
3. Signal words - Contrast
Example: She shows signs of improvement after the treatment; however, she will need to continue with physiotherapy to regain full mobility.
Example: Although she shows signs of improvement after the treatment, she will need to continue with physiotherapy.
Example: Despite Mr Morgan's initial resistance, to the treatment, she showed remarkable improvement after the intervention was adjusted to her needs.
4. Signal words - Result
Example: i. Her blood pressure readings have consistently been above the normal range; therefore, it is recommended to commence antihypertensive medication in accordance with the treatment regimen.
ii. After reviewing his recent weight loss and persistent fatigue, the lab results confirmed a deficiency in vitamin B12; therefore, a supplementation plan is advised to address this issue.
Example: She did not adhere to the prescribed dietary restrictions; consequently, she experienced a significant increase in glucose levels, necessitating a review of their diabetic management plan.
5. Signal words - Subject
Regarding his social history,
Example: Regarding Mr Smith's social history, he reported a significant increase in alcohol consumption over the past year.
6.Signal words - Advice
It is important for him
Example: It is important for him to maintain a balanced diet and regular exercise routine to manage his diabetes effectively.
It is mandatory for her
Example: It is mandatory for her to maintain a balanced diet and regular exercise routine to manage his diabetes effectively.
Kindly provide
Example: Kindly provide the full list of your current medications at the time of your next appointment for a comprehensive review.
It would be appreciated if you could
Example: It would be appreciated if you could bring any previous medical records to your consultation to help us provide a more informed diagnosis.
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