OET Writing - MEDICINE - Discharge Letter
OET Writing - MEDICINE - Discharge Letter
Pt Name: Cindy Larson
DOB: 07/05/1935 (87 y.o.)
Social background: Retired Secretary at a law firm
1. Intro: Pt name, Pt profile, Purpose, Present condition
2. BP 1: Initially, date, presented the ED with the complaints of...., Pt condition, CT head- no brain bleeding, US: Rt shoulder dislocation, Referral to admission.
3. BP 2: (Mar 04 - Mar 14): Admission, normal saline + ibuprofen, Pt still disoriented, developed high fever on Mar 12, Zosyn , Two days later (Mar 14) Fever, MSRA, Zosyn discontinued, vancomycin initiated.
4. BP 3: (Mar 21 - 29) Recovered, vancomycin discontinued, arm sling removed.
5. BP 4: (Mar 31- Apl 04) Physio commenced, OT - home safety, Discharge on Apl 04, ibuprofen, follow-up.
6. BP 5: Conclusion, sign off.
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