OET - Abbreviations used in Healthcare Sector

 OET Abbreviations used in Writing 

In the Occupational English Test (OET), understanding and using abbreviations correctly is crucial, especially in the writing sub-test. 

Listed below are some commonly used abbreviations that are also approved by the National Health Service, UK:

* A&E: Accident and Emergency

Mr Smith was rushed to the Accident and Emergency for immediate treatment.

* a.c:  Before meals

The medication should be taken before meals to maximize its efficacy.

* AF : Atrial Fibrillation

The ECG confirmed that the patient was in atrial fibrillaton

* APTT: Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time

The activated partial thromboplastin time results were within normal range.

* ASQ: Ages and Stages Questionnaire

The child's development was assessed using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire 

* b.d.s/bid/bd: 2 Times a Day

For pain relief, take ibuprofen 400 mg 2 times a day

* BNO: Bowels Not Open

The patient's laxative regimen was charted bowels not open.

* BO: Bowels Open

The patient's laxative regimen was charted bowels open.

* c/c: Chief Complaint

The patient's chief complaint was a persistent dry cough and shortness of breath.

* CMHN: Community Mental Nurse

* CPN: Community Psychiatric Nurse

* CSF: Cerebrospinal Fluid

* CSU: Catheter Stream Urine Sample

* CVP: Central Venous Pressure

* DVT: Deep Vein Thrombosis 

* Dx: Diagnosis

* EMU: Early Morning Urine Sample

* ESR: Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate

* EUA: Examination Under Anesthetic

* FBC: Full Blood Count

* FY1, FY2: Foundation Doctor

* GA: General Anesthetic

* gtt.: Drop(s)

* h.: hour

* h/o: History of

* Hb: Haemoglobin

* HCA: Healthcare Assistant

* HCSW: Healthcare Support Worker

* HDL: High-density Lipoprotein

* Ht: Height

* Hx: History

* i.m., IM: Injection into Muscle (Intramuscular)

* i,v., IV: Injection Directly to a Vein (Intravenous)

* IVI: Intravenous Infusion

* IVP: Intravenous Pyelogram

* Ix: Investigations

* LA: Local Anaesthetic

* LFT: Liver Function Test 

* LMP: Last Menstrual Period

* M/R: Modified Release

* MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging

* MRSA: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus 

* MSU: Mid-stream Urine Sample

* n.p.o, npo, NPO: Nothing by Mouth

* NAD: Nothing Abnormal Discovered

* NAI: Non-accidental Injury

* NBM: Non by Mouth

* NG: Nasogastric

* nocte: Every Night

* NoF: Neck of Femur

* NSAID: Non-steroid anti-inflammatory Drug

* o.d., OD: Once a Day

* o/e: On Examination

* OT: Occupational Therapist

* p.c.: After Food

* pm, PM: Afternoon or Evening

* p.o., PO: Orally/ By Mouth/Oral Administration

* PR: Rectally

* p.r.n., PRN: as needed

* p/c: Presenting Complaint

* POP: Plaster of Paris

* PU: Passed Urine

* q: Every

* q.1.d.: Every Day

* q.1.h.: Every Hour

* q.2.h.: Every 2 Hours

* q.4.h.: Every 4 Hours

* q.6.h.: Every 6 Hours

* q.8.h.: Every 6 Hours

* q.d.: Every Day

* q.d.s., QDS: 4 Times a Day

* q.h.: Every hour, Hourly

* q.i.d.: 4 Times a Day

* q.o.d.: Every Other Day ( Alternately)

* q.s.: Sufficient quantity

Note: Use these abbreviations appropriately and ONLY when you are sure that the reader will understand them.


Should you have any queries, please contact
Dr Vijay C Nair

WhatsApp no: 7356 85 8467.

______________ The END _______________


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