IELTS Speaking for the Day -10

 IELTS Speaking for the Day -10

Part 1.

1. Could you please tell me your full name?

2. Can I see your ID?

3. Where do you come from?

4. Are you a student or do you work?

5. Do you have any friends?

6. What do you usually talk with your friends?

7. Do you have old friends?

8. What's the difference between friends at school and those at university?

9. How do you make friends?

10. How good a friend you are?

Part 2 Cue Card

Talk about a piece of clothing that oy like. You should say:

what it is

* when and where you bought it

* when you wear it

* and explain why you like this piece of clothing .

Part 3 Discussion

1. How is clothing different for young and old?

2. When do people wear formal clothes in your country?

3. Why don't some people like wearing formal clothes?

4. What is your opinion about wearing designer clothes?

5. Do the prices of designer clothes seem justified to you? 

6. Is it unethical to copy brands, in your opinion? Why?

                               ( MALESIA, 24 February 2024)

Part 3 Discussion. Sample Answers.

1. How is clothing different for young and old?

Well, I guess, the younger people tend to embrace trendy clothing. They look up to fashion trendsetters to determine their styles. For instance they might opt for rock chis, or hip-hop styles.

On the other hand, older generations prioritize practicality and simplicity. They lean towards plain and not overly expensive clothing.

I think, unlike the the older people, fashion has always been a powerful tool for young people to estalish and express their unique viewpoints.

2. When do people wear formal clothes in your country?

Well, in India like elsewhere, formal dress is worn during special or in specific professional settings. They include:

* Business and Professional settings

* Social events, such as weddings, award ceremonies

* Ceremonies and celebrations

* Protocol and etiquette, such as state dinners and official receptions.

However, formal clothing can vary based on cultural norms, regional customs and the specific context. 

3. Why don't some people like wearing formal clothes?

Ans: Well, that's a hard question. I have never thought about it: however, I guess,

* It may be because of comfort and practicality including the climate.

* Some people find formal clothing too uniform and devoid of personal expression. Such people prefer prefer outfits that reflect their unique style.

Ultimately, clothing choices should align with an individual's comfort, confidence and context. 

4. What is your opinion about wearing designer clothes?

Ans: Well I think, designer clothes are the high-end luxury fashion created by famous designers and fashion houses. They are meticulously crafted, often using premium materials and exquisite  attention to details. 

They are more than just garments; they represent art, culture and individual expression in the world of fashion. So, it's great to wear, especially those who can afford them.

5. Do the prices of designer clothes seem justified to you?

Ans: Well, the justification of prices for designer clothes is a multifaceted topic. and opinions vary widely.

In my opinion, it can be justified due to superior craftmanship, attention to details, and high-quality materials.   

They are limited in quantity, making them exclusive. Rarity contributes to their higher prices. Moreover, the emotional value attached to it worth the money they pay.

6. Is it unethical to copy brands, in your opinion? Why?

Ans: Well, in my opinion. it is unethical to copy brands.

Garments and accessories are considered "useful items", so copyright law doesn't provide exclusive rights on them. 

However, if a design includes logos, prints, or brand names, those elements can be protected and copying them can be illegal and unethical. While, copying brands isn't necessarily admirable, it remains prevalent in fashion industry. 


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