Fix your English - 2

 Fix your English - 2

Fragment Sentence

What is a Fragment Sentence?

Consider the following sentences:

1. A time of wonder and amazement.

2. Shows no improvement in your efficiency.

3. Because it was raining. 

In order to be grammatically correct complete sentence, a sentence needs a subject and a verb.  Sentence fragments lack one or both these. (In the OET Writing sub-tests, all 'notes' are fragment sentences).

Fixing a fragment Sentence requires one of the two things: 

i. giving the components it lacks or fastening it onto an independent clause. 

eg: "Once we leave for the movie" , has a noun ("we") and a verb ("leave"), but it is not a complete sentence. You could say:

"Once we leave for the movie, we won't be able to take any calls". 

Further examples:

a) "Shows no improvement in your efficiency." It can be fixed as:

"The evaluation shows no improvement in your efficiency"

b) "A time of wonder and amazement". It can be fixed as : "It was a time of wonder and amazement"

c) "Gave many reasons, but no logical ones". Here the subject is missing. It can be fixed as: "Lucy gave many reasons, but  no logical ones"

d) "The elected official for our district unpopular" (Verb missing). Fix it by supplying a verb. " The elected official for our district was unpopular"

e) "Because it was raining", incomplete thought. Fix it as: "Because it was raining, we cancelled the game".

To conclude, the next time when you do the proof reading, ensure to fix the fragment sentence.


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