OET Reading PART B of Blepharitis

 Reading PART - B 

Qtn 1. Stains act as the first line of preventive medicines in the people with:

A) Early stage CVD


C) Advanced stage  CVD


Stains, also known as HMG CoA reductase, are a class of lipid-lowering medications.  Stains have been found to reduce cardiovascular disease (CVD) and mortality in those who are at high risk of CVD. Evidence is strong that stains are effective  for treating CVD in early stages  of the disease (secondary prevention ) and in those at elevated risk, but without CVD (primary prevention ).

Key words of Qtn: i) Early stage; ii) No CVD; iii) advanced stage

Text: " .... stains are effective for treating for treating CVD in early stages of the disease (secondary prevention)...". 

Hence, Answer choice (A) is wrong X

Text: "..... and in those elevated risk (= syn. advanced stage)....".

Hence, Answer choice (C) is wrong X

Text: ".... , but without CVD (primary prevention = before the disease i.e. No CVD).

Hence, Answer choice (B) is right.

Note:  (i) the first line of preventive medicines = (primary prevention) means preventive measures taken before the disease occurs.

(ii) Secondary prevention = steps taken to check the condition, once it is diagnosed, growing worse.

Qtn 2. Compared to the present, enteral feeding in the past:

A) carried lower risk of administration 

B) was difficult to operate

C) presented no chance of microbial infection


Enteral feeding has advanced significantly since its inception. The use of enteral feeding pump is now a standards-driven process for patients who require assistance with meeting nutritional requirements, when the oral route is ineffective. The safety of pumps has evolved the advent of new closed systems that reduce incorrect administration and microbial risk and the development of feeding pumps that are user friendly  and more more accurate in their delivery of enteral nutrition formulae.

Answer choice (A): "..... risk of administration..... " is not mentioned in the Text. Choice (A): Wrong X

Choice (B): i. " The use of .... pump is now a standard-driven process (= to operate) ... ". Inference: In the past it was difficult to operate.

ii. " .... user friendly.....". Inference: In the past it was difficult to operate. 

"user friendly"  antonym: difficult to use.

Hence,  Answer (B): Right

Choice (C): "... the new closed systems reduce microbial".

Hence, choice (C):  Wrong

Qtn 3. Which of the following could result in injury to the user?

A) Not placing the recliner away from walls

B) Not consulting a physician before using the recliner

C) Not assembling the recliner correctly


This product is only intended to provide a biomechanical advantage while sitting and standing.

Patients suffering from an ailment or injury or taking medications that affect balance or ability to stand or sit down should first consult  with a physician before using this product. If the product is not used properly, serious injury or harm could result.

Improper installation of the chair may cause serious injury. Regularly check the recliner riser to identify any signs of instability in the recliner. Position your recliner the appropriate distance away from the wall, so the recliner may fully recline. Additional safety measures should be taken for users that are at high risk. Such users include those who are not mentally conscious (including those individuals under medication)

Answer choice (C):  "Assembling" (Text) is different from "Installing". Hence, (C): Wrong

(B): "Patients...... should consult with a physician" (Text)  (Question). It is a general statement. Hence, (B): Right

(A): "Position your recliner ......wall.... fully recline" (Text). ("Placed' = positioned) "injury" is not mentioned

Hence, choice (A) : wrong

4. A patient surrogate can make decision:

A) even when the patient is conscious

B) only when the patient is conscious

C) only when the patient is unconscious


A surrogate decision-maker is the individual legally authorised  to make decision on behalf of the patient. The goal of surrogate decision making is to reflect what the individual would have decided, if able to speak for him/herself. This substitute judgment is used when the patient has previously expressed preferences, or when the surrogate can reasonably infer what the patient would want. When the patient's preferences are unknown or unclear, then the surrogate decision maker should make decisions based on their determination of the patient's best interests. 

Any healthcare surrogate agent is granted the same rights in regards to access of medical information and decision-making as would the alert and competent patient. These rights remain until such time as the client regains decisional capacity, a guardian is appointed or the patient's death occurs.

Answer choice (C): Text " This substitute is used when..... or.........."

Answer:  incomplete/partly correct. X

Answer choice (B): "Only when" is not mentioned in the Text. X

Answer choice (A): Para 2 of Text, "........granted the same rights ....... and decision making as would the alert and competent patient" . "Alert and competent" = even when the patient is conscious. Choice (A): Right

5. The product could help epileptic patients by:

A)  preventing seizures during sleeping

B) eliminating false alarm

C) reducing patient's dependence  on others.


Seizing during sleep can be dangerous  and Medpage MP5 eliminates the need for carers to make physical checks, promoting independence and dignity  for the user. This solution may benefit people living with epilepsy to support and complement professional care where individuals are concerned about having seizures overnight.

The Medpage MP5 uses a motion sensor, which is positioned under the patient's mattress roughly at the shoulder height position. The monitor is powered by a mains charger and has a 12 hour battery backup in case of mains power failure or interruption. The sensor has a sensitivity control to allow for adjustment for patient body ............ This setting allows a person to turn over, cough, or reposition themselves on their bed without an alarm generated. This feature virtually eliminates false alarms

Answers: (A) "preventing seizure.......sleeping" - Not mentioned in the Text. Choice: Wrong   X

Choice (B): "eliminating false alarm during patient's movements".

It helps the carers and not ' the patients'. (B): Wrong   

Choice (C): "reducing patient's dependence on others" = Text: "promoting independence".

"..... on others..." Text: "...eliminating need for others".

Correct Answer : C

6. Which of the following must be ensured during RSI?

A) Hyperextending or rotating the neck

B) Uninterrupted supply of oxygen

C) Completion of the process in no less than 20 minutes. 


Rapid Sequence Induction (RSI) is usually performed with any patient considered at the risk of regurgitating their stomach's content. Muscle relaxant and sedative is administered in rapid sequence.

Confirm with anesthetist that necessary equipment is readily available prior to procedure. 

Ensure infant/child is supine with head at the side of incubator/radiant warmer or the top of the cot/bed. 

The anesthetist stand at the child's head which is positioned midline with minimal extension of the neck (infant neutral and child in sniffing position). A roll may be placed under shoulders. 

Avoid hyperextending or rotating the neck

Maintenance of oxygenation is a priority during the procedure.

Procedure should be limited to maximum 20 seconds. 


A)  Text says "avoid hyperextending" whereas the question says "must be ensured". Wrong 

B) Text: " Maintenances of oxygenation isa priority", and the choice B says "Uninterrupted supply of oxygen". Right

C) Text: "Limited to maximum 20 seconds", whereas the choice says "no less than 20 minutes" ( = minimum). Opposite ideas. Wrong



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