IELTS Writing Task 2, CMT
IELTS Writing Task 2 - CMT
Effects and Solutions
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write at least 250 words.
In the recent years, there has been a rise in the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports. What are the consequences of doping for athletes? What measures should be taken to combat the issue.
Give reasons for your answers and include relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.
Key word Analysis
1. a rise in the use of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs)
2. sports
3. consequences
4 measures to combat the issue.
Task requirements
1. Why there is a rise in the use of PEDs in sports?
(deterioration of the values of life and a desire to win quick money and fame)
2. Two consequences
(1. physical and mental heath are affected. 2. punishment and bad name for the athlete and the nation he/she represents)
3. Two measures
(1. educate sports people about the hazards of drug abuse. 2 introduce rigorous rules and punishments)
Structure of the Essay
Paragraph 1. Introduction (Time: 5 min, Words: 55-60)
* Paraphrase of the general statement
* Thesis sentence
Paragraph 2. BP1. (Time: 10 min. Words: 65 -75)
* Two consequences
* Explain each (Reasons)
* Example for any one consequence
* Conclude BP1)
Paragraph 3. BP2. (Time: 10 min. Words: 65 - 75)
* Two measures
* Explain each measure (Reasons)
* Give one example
* Conclusion BP2
* Paragraph 4. Conclusion (Time: 5 min. Words: 55-60)
* Paraphrase the Introduction
[Paragraph 1. Introduction]
Owing to the deterioration of the values of life and and a crave to earn quick money and fame, athletes around the world are falling victims to drugs that surge their performance level; however, it has dire consequences. [Paraphrase] This essay will dwell on the effects of substance abuse in sports and the remedial measures to control the menace. [Thesis sentence]
Deterioration: Decline, failure, drop, fall, vitiation, lapse.
Crave: Desire, want, wish, urge, thirst for.
Fame: Glory, honour, eminence, prominence, stardom.
Falling victim to: surrender to, yield, submit, contract, catch.
Surge: rise, boost, rush, growth, stream.
Performance level: level of efficiency, accomplishment level, grade mark.
Dire: Terrible, dreadful, frightful, alarming, awful.
Menace: Danger, risk, threat, peril
Paragraph 2. BP1- Consequences of doping
To embark on, doping can cause physical and mental health issues in athletes. (Arguments) It affects their vital organs such as heart, kidney, liver and nervous system. Moreover, The use of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) can cause increased risk of infection, depression and addiction. Furthermore, they damage the reputation and credibility of the country that the athlete represents. PEDs are banned by all international sports organisations and athletes who use PEDs must face penalties such as disqualification, suspension or even life-ban from their sports. (Reasons) For example, the legendary Canadian sprinter, Ben Johnson, and Maria Sharapova, the five-time Grand Slam champion were suspended when they were tested positive. (Example) Therefore, substance abuse in sports can have serious consequences. (Conclusion)
Credibility: Believability, reliability, sincerity, truthfulness, authenticity;
Banned: Prohibited, forbidden vetoed, proscribed, barred.
Penalty: Punishment, fine, damages,
Legendary: Famous, celebrated, immortal, illustrious.
Consequence: Outcome, result, effect, issue, event
Paragraph 3. BP3. Solutions
However, the menace of dropping can be checked effectively by the governments, NGOs and Sport authorities. (Arguments) Educating athletes, coaches and the general public about the health risks, ethical issues and legal consequences of using PEDs can bring down the habit. Testing athletes regularly and randomly using reliable and accurate methods will yield dividends. (Reasons) For instance, in India the government in collaboration with Sports Authority of India has launched a laudable mission to educate not only the athletes but also the youths about the consequences of drug abuse. (Example) Thus, such joint ventures can curb the use of PEDs to a great extent. (Conclusion)
Menace: Danger, threat, Hazard, trouble, dire
Laudable: Praiseworthy, excellent, worthy.
Randomly: Casually, irregularly, irrelevantly.
Yield dividend : Profit, gain, benefit
Paragraph 4. Conclusion of the essay.
To conclude, the pressure to succeed at any cost has made many athletes to resort to doping. It can result in multiple harms to the individual sportspersons and the nations and they represent as a whole. These problems can be effectively checked by the timely intervention of sports authorities and the government. (Paraphrase of the introduction)
Checked: Stopped, controlled
Intervention: Interference, mediate, step in
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