IELTS Writing Task 2

 Type 2

Advantages and Disadvantages


You should spend 40 minutes on this task. Write at least 250 words

Tourism is the main source of income for many places in the world today. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed well. Do you think the advantages of tourism outweigh its disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answers and include examples from your knowledge or experience 

Key Word Analysis

1. Tourism

2. Main source of income for many places in the world.

4. A source of problems

5. If not managed well.

6. Advantages outweigh disadvantages?

 Task Requirements

1. How is tourism a sources of income?

2. What the problems created by tourism?

3. How could they be managed well?

4. What are more, advantages or disadvantages?


General Discussion

a. Types of tourism

People travel mainly for three reasons: education, entertainment and employment. There are about 18 types of tourism of them the most popular are:

i. Domestic tourism: Traveling in one's own country. I is useful to minimize poverty, enhance infrastructure, and boost the growth of economy and generation of employment. 

ii. International tourism: Travelling outside your country, and it requires a visa and passport.

iii. Business tourism: People travel to meetings or official gets togethers. This tourism levels up purchasing power.

iv. Health / Health tourism: People trave for medical treatments or to regain their health.

v. Religious / Spiritual tourism: People journey to other places for spiritual or religious reasons. It helps support local cultural and handicrafts, generate employment and revenue.  

vi. Space tourism: A recent trend is to journey to the vast emptiness of space.

b. Why is tourism becoming popular?

In the ancient times,  tourism was not very popular; however, with the growth of transportation and communication facilities , it is now possible to reach any corner of the world without much hassle. It has become a major industry now offering employment opportunities for hundreds of thousands of people, directly and indirectly.

c. How tourism is useful to local people and economy?

* Travelers spend money on accommodation, food, transportation, souvenirs and activities. All these create jobs support local businesses. 

* Tourism supports and empowers the local economy. Travel businesses can directly contribute and ensure spent money stays locally.

* One of the easiest ways to directly stimulate local employment in tourism is to hire local guides and drivers. 

* Hospitality provided by the hotels and homestays in location the benefit the accommodation holders, the food providers and the suppliers. 

* For most tourists, travelling is about making memories by buying souvenirs. When they buy souvenirs locally, it supports the local handcrafters and their material providers. 

* The local people can acquaint with the alien culture and language which will immediately upgrade their living standard.

d) How does tourism affect the local culture and economy negatively?

* Increased tourists results in increased traffic which can hinder the daily life of the local residents. It also causes frustration and to the withdrawal of the local residents in many places.  

* The culture shock may impact the locals and their culture will be slowly replaced by the more powerful tourists' culture.

 * Increased tourism results in pollution and loss of habitats of local plants and animals.

e) What is more, advantages or disadvantages?

Even though there are a few disadvantages to the local communities, the merits are more. So the advantages outweighs the disadvantages.

[Despite the few demerits of tourism, the merits are more; therefore, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages]

f) How is tourism useful to a country?

Tourism is very important for countries as it brings various benefits to the host economy and society.

* It generates foreign exchange and income.

* Creates employment and contributes to the government revenues. The tourism industry is diverse and creates a lot of job opportunities for people in transport, hospitality, music arts and so  on

* Beautification and preservation of the environment and culture. Most tourist centers are natural, sensitive areas and habitat to some species of animals or plants. Laws are enacted to preserve and conserve such sites.

* Infrastructural development. Good roads, hospitals, schools, potable water and other amenities will be made available. 

* Overall cultural integration. Tourism gives opportunity to showcase and exhibit their rich culture to the world. It also help the communities to experience the culture of other cultures as well.

g. Demerits of tourism.

* Tourists' negligence of the environment: Tourists often cause damage to the environment during their visits. They are responsible for deforestation and over-exploitation of natural resources. Destroying habitats could lead to the extinction endangered species.

* Exploitation of local culture: Tourism leads to changes in people's attitude and behaviours including the development of commercialization. It creates clash between cultures and can result in the destruction of existing communities.  

* Uneven infrastructure development

* Lack of  job security. Most  of the tourism activities are seasonal and there is no job security during the off season. Small businesses are unable to keep up during the off-season. Moreover,  tourism provides only low level jobs, such as waiters, cleaners, and bartenders.

h. What is more, advantages or disadvantages?

Despite the few minor disadvantages, advantages are more.

i. How can tourism be well-managed/ sustainable tourism?

The demerits of tourism can be solved by implementing sustainable tourism, which  involves addressing the concerns  for economic, cultural and environmental issues. The premier example is the Eco-tourism.

j. What is sustainable tourism?

Sustainable tourism takes full account of the current and future economic impacts, social and cultural impacts and addressing the needs of the visitors. 

Sample Answer.


You should spend 40 minutes on this task.  Write at least 250 words.

Tourism is the main source of income for many places in the world today. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed well. Do you think the advantages of tourism outweighs the disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answers and include examples from your knowledge or experience.

 Key Word Analysis

1. Tourism

2. Source of income

3. Many places in the world today

4. Source of problems

5. If not manage well

6. What outweighs? 

Task Requirements

1. How/why tourism is the source of income (Merits of tourism)

2. Global phenomena

3. What are the problems created by tourism ( Demerits of tourism)

4. How can it be managed well

5. What outweighs the other. 

Structure of the Essay

(Answer: Merits outweigh demerits)

Paragraph 1  Introduction 

* Paraphrase the general statement

* Thesis sentence ( Advantages of tourism outweighs the disadvantages if the problems are solved by sustainable tourism). 

Paragraph 2 Body Para 1

* 2 Advantages of tourism

* Explain each (Reasons)

* Example

* Conclusion BP1

Paragraph 3 BP 2

* 2 Disadvantages

* Explain each (Reasons) 

* Example

* Conclusion BP2

Paragraph 4 Conclusion 

* Re-phrase the introduction (- Advantages outweigh the disadvantages, which can be addressed by implementing sustainable tourism.)


Paragraph 1 Introduction

International tourism has witnessed a burgeoning growth, thanks to globalization, and it has surged the economic prosperity of several countries. However, it is argued that tourism can create havocs if it not managed judiciously. [Paraphrase] This essay will dwell on the merits and demerits of tourism and validate my opinion that even though there are a few demerits, which can be resolved by sustainable tourism, the merits are more. [Thesis sentence]


1. Witnessed: saw, marked, viewed, noticed

2.Burgeoning: Increasing rapidly, growing, progressing, spreading, evolving, growing exponentially.

3. Thanks to: Due to, because of, as a result of 

4. Surge: Increase suddenly, boost, flood, rise

5. Prosperity: Success, fortune, well-being, opulence, wealth

6. Havoc: Damage, destruction, waste, ruin, carnage

7. Judiciously: Wisely, sensibly, prudently, fairly, reasonably

8. Validate: Prove, verify, confirm, support, corroborate, vindicate

9: Sustainable tourism: Eco-tourism, viable tourism. 

Paragraph 2 Body Para 1 (Advantages)

To embark on, the proponents of tourism plead that it bolsters the economic activities of the locality and improves the development of infrastructure. [2 advantages] The first and foremost, the tourist centers are frequented by international visitors who spend their money over there, and thus it brings prosperity to the host country. Moreover, tourism creates a huge demand tor local employees. [Reasons] A premier example is Switzerland, a country that is thriving entirely upon tourism. [Example]  Thus, tourism escalates the development of a society. [Conclusion of BP1]


1. Proponent: Supporter, advocate, exponent, champion, enthusiast

2. Plead: Argue, appeal, request, solicit, claim

3. Bolster: Help, support, boost, assist, prop, brace augment

4. Infrastructure: (roads , buildings and bridges), fabrics, frame

5. Frequented: Visited, go to, travelled to

6. Host country: country of destination.

7. Premier: Leading, major, chief, principal, foremost, arch

8. Thrive: Live, flourish, bloom, prosper, burgeon

9. Escalate: Increase, raise, soar, develop, grow.  

Paragraph 3 BP 2 (Disadvantages)

On the flip side, tourism is not without any demerits, because it  is detrimental to the native culture and tradition, and create  damage to  the environment. [ 2 disadvantages of tourism] Obviously, the dominant alien culture sit upon the native culture and make them dysfunctional. Above all, many of the tourist destinations have become heaps of garbage beyond repair [Reason] The best example is the exorbitant rate of pollution faced by Sabarimala, which is reputed for its environmental beauty. [Example] Therefore, tourism is harmful for the tourist spot. [Conclusion BP2]


1. Detrimental : Harmful, damaging, injurious, hurtful, deleterious, inimical

2. Havoc: Destruction, damage, ruin, waste, wreck, ravage,  carnage

3. Dominant: Powerful, leading, superior, presiding, ruling

4. Alien : Foreign, outside, overseas,  exotic, 

5. Dysfunctional: Defective, unfit, unstable, useless, flawed

6. Heap : Pile, mountain, collection,  stockpile

7. Exorbitant: Excessive, high, ridiculous, undue, inordinate, extreme

8. Garbage: Waste, rubbish trash, debris


Paragraph 4 Conclusion

Tourism has become increasingly popular currently and several countries encourage it because it supports the economy of those countries, but it has a few minor demerits.  In my opinion, despite its minor demerits, which can be addressed by adopting eco-tourism, the advantages outweighs the disadvantages. [Re-phrased the introduction]


1. Popular: liked, well-liked, favoured, trending, sought-after, preferred

2. Adopt: Accept, take on, assume, endorse, ratify

3. Address (v): Solve, inform, reach, call, communicate

4. Outweigh: Outbalance, nullify, neutralize offset, cancel, override

Other types of questions based on the general statement

(General statement:  Tourism is the main source of income for many places in the world today. Unfortunately, it can also be a source of problems if it is not managed well)

1. How far do you agree or disagree?

2. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

3. What are causes of the problems and how can they be addressed?

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism for the local people and environment? 


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