Task 2, Two- Way Question


 Two-Way Question

You have 40 minutes to answer this question. Write at least 250 words.

With technology speeding up, more and more young people begin to use mobile phones and the internet, but old people have little chance to be exposed to them.

In what ways could mobile phones and the internet be useful to the old people? How can old people be encouraged to use this technology?

Give reasons for your answer and include examples from your knowledge or experience

Key Word Analysis

1. Young people use mobile phones more

2. Older people have little use of mobile phones

3. in what ways mobile phones useful to older people

4. How to encourage older people to use mobile phone

Task Assessment

1. Establish younger people use technology more than the older people have 

2.  The ways how mobile phones are useful for older people

3. How to encourage older people to use more phone

Essay topics on mobile phones

1. How to overcome mobile phone addition

2. Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones

3. Should drivers be allowed to use mobile phones?

4.  Negative impact on society

5. Health issues caused by mobile phones

6. Use on campus/ workplace

7 Role of mobile phones in our life.

8. Should there be a control on mobile phone use

Advantages of Mobile Phones

Landline phones have become obsolete with in the current era with the advent of mobile phones (also called a cell phone, mobile cellular network or handphone).  They are not limited to communication; they have various other benefits. 


* They make communication easier and cheaper. Mobile phones are affordable and more than 95% of people are using them currently.

* Mobile phone makes communication easier. as just by pressing the keys, we can contact anyone.  It also gives us the facility of video calls. 


* They can be used to acquire knowledge or information on various topics. Online classes have become very popular after the pandemic. 

Social media:

* Smart phones said to be a gift for social media lovers. Social media apps like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and so on are at our fingertips at anytime. We can edit and share pictures and post them. 

Promoting business

* Mobile phones are the best for entrepreneurs and businessmen to promote their business. They are the potential media for advertising your products. 

At emergency:

For example, when your car gets stuck on an unknown road, a mobile phone is the first device that helps to call a mechanic.


* The newly updated mobile phones have big HD displays on which people can watch movies, listen to music and can play games for their entertainments. 

Moreover, they have high resolution cameras, flash lights, calculators, online banking facilities and GPS location searching options.

Disadvantages of mobile phones

* Distractions: Mobile phones can cause distractions in between your works. Students are easily distracted from their studies because of mobile phones.

* Ear problems: While listening to songs or watching movies or calling long time using a headset can damage the listening potentials. 

* Waste of time: 

Most students and teenagers waste their precious time by playing games or watching social media matters. 

* Addiction:

Addition to mobile phone, "nomophobia" is a mental disorder and such people are unable to stop themselves without using a mobile phone. 

* Cyberbullying: 

It includes send, post or sharing negative, false, and harmful content about someone. Researches show that most students and teenagers got cyberbullying.

Moreover, it causes security issues, loss of studies, health issues and sleep disorder.

Should there be a regulation on mobile phones?

* While students being addicted to cell phones, schools should allow students to carry cell phones with them because of their freedom to practice self-discipline and phone usage. 

* Students can maximize their resources using mobile phones.


Para 1. Introduction

  * Paraphrase the general statement

  * Thesis sentence

Para 2. Body para 1

  * Answer Question 1

  * Explain the answer

  * Relevant Example

  * Conclude BP 1

Para 3. Body para 2.

  * Answer question 2

  *  Explain the answer

  * Relevant Example

  * Conclude BP2

Para 4. Conclusion 

  * Re-write paraphrase

  * Re-write thesis

Sample Answer

Paragraph 1 Introduction

Thanks to the exponential growth of science and technology, the younger generation has become technophiles and they are comfortable with e-gadgets; however, the elderly people are uneasy with them. [paraphrase]. This essay will dwell on how mobile phones could be made useful to them, and the ways to motivate the senior citizens to handle such technology easily. [Thesis sentence].


1. Thanks to: Due to, owing to, because of, as a result of, on the basis of

2. Exponential : growing, mounting, epidemic, rampant, augmenting

3. Technophile: Expert, authority, genius, wizard, mastermind

4. e-gadget: Devices, appliances, machines, tool.

5. Motivate: encourage, prompt, inspire, trigger, induce, prod

Paragraph 2 Body Para 1

To embark on, there are multiple ways how the old generation can use modern communication technology. [Argument 1]The social isolation the senior citizens suffer from can be sublimated if they know how to use mobile phones and the net. [Reason].  For instance, they can very easily contact their kith and kin using web camera. (Example) Moreover, they can call ambulance at emergency or make tele-consultations with doctors sitting at the comfort of their homes. Thus, mobile phones and the internet are a boon for the old people. [Conclusion-BP1].


1. Isolation: Loneliness, separation, segregation, detachment, insularity

2. Sublimated:  Transferred, reduced, diverted, re-directed, controlled.

3. Boon: Blessing, bonus, advantage, gift

Paragraph 3 Body Para 2

Furthermore, we can inspire the old people to use modern communication gadgets. [Argument 2].To that end, the governments and NGOs should offer them free training and make it available at subsidized rates. ( Reason) For example, in several countries around the globe, user-friendly models are available in the market, which can alleviate much of the concerns of the old people. [Example]In this way, old people can be encouraged to use the new technology. [Conclusion- BP2]


1. Subsidized: Reduced, funded, endowed

2. Alleviate: Reduce, ease, relieve, diminish, palliate

Paragraph 4 Conclusion

To conclude, although the young generation is tapping the full benefits of the blessings of the modern technology, the older people fail to catch up with them. [Re-written paraphrase] .This essay has established how they could reap the blessings of modern technology and what could be done to encourage them to attain it.  [Re-written thesis]


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