IELTS TASK 2 Essaysfor September 2022

 IELTS Essays for September 2022

1. Agree or Disagree


Environmental problems are too big for the individuals or individual nations to addressed to. We have reached a stage where only way to protect the environment is at an international level. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


The challenges augmented  by the environmental  issues  have amplified so massive that neither the individuals  nor the individual countries alone  can handle them by themselves; a global initiative and support seems to be inevitable to solve this mounting crisis. [Paraphrase]. This essay will  agree to a great extent with the statement because, in my opinion, it is only with the international co-operation that such a crisis can be solved. [Thesis sentence]

To embark on, the major concern for the environment is the emission of harmful gases released into the atmosphere from the big industries around the world leading to the Green House Effect. [Argument 1]. The amount of these gases, such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, has exceeded its  limit, which has adversely affected the climate of the world. [Explain arg. 1]. For example, the recent floods, which has submerged more than three-fourth of Pakistan is due to the peak level of chloro-fluro hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide. Obviously, Pakistan alone cannot tackle this frightening situation [example]therefore, a global initiative is required. [Conclusion BP1]

Furthermore, heating up of the earth's surface, caused by the escalating rate of atmospheric pollution has resulted in global warming. [Argument 2].This phenomenon has tilted the the balance of atmospheric condition, in total.[Explain ag.2]. For instance, the recurring floods and draughts various corners of the world can be attributed to the ever increasing global warming, [example]which the individual nations  cannot solve by themselves. It requires a global approach. [Conclusion BP2].

To conclude, individuals and individual nations cannot do anything remarkable to solve the environmental concerns.[Paraphrase] This essay has validated my opinion that it is the possible only through the collective efforts the impending catastrophe can be evaded.[Thesis]

2. Advantages and Disadvantages. 


Nowadays, many companies have their manufacturing facilities in different countries. Does this development have more advantages than disadvantages?

Thanks to globalization, which made transport and telecommunication faster, several large companies are manufacturing their products in units established in different countries of the world. [Paraphrase]. This essay will dwell on the merits and demerits of this trend and establish my opinion that even though it has a few negatives, the positives are more.[Thesis sentence]

To embark on, there are multiple benefits when giant multinational companies undertake their expansion in developing countries. Firstly, they offer vast employment opportunities for thousands of natives, directly and indirectly. Secondly, since in those countries labour and resources are cheaper, the price of the finished products will be much less than what are manufactured in the country of their origin. [2 Advantages.] For instance, most of the companies have their manufacturing or assembling units  in the different states of India, which alleviates the unemployment rate substantially.[Example] Thus, this trend is advantageous to the natives of the host countries.[Conclusion BP1] .

On the flip side, this phenomena is not without any demerits. One noteworthy disadvantage is that the monetary benefits amassed by the companies by exploiting the manpower and resources  are always funneled to the parent countries and the economy of the host countries are not gained. Moreover, the culture and tradition of the natives are affected by the operation of the multinationals. [2 disadvantages]. For example, MNCs such as KFC has already altered the eating habits of Indians. [Example]. Without any doubt, the manufacturing units of the foreign companies are detrimental to the host countries. [Conclusion BP2]

To conclude, the operation of foreign manufacturing companies is both a blessing and a bane.[Re-state paraphrase] However, despite the few minor demerits, merits are more; therefore, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.[Re-state thesis]

3. Discuss both Views


Human activities have negative effects on plant and animal species. Some people think that it is too late to do anything about this problem, others believe that effective measures can be taken to improve the situation. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Sample answer:

Urbanization has resulted in the construction of buildings and bridges in the habitats of rare species of plants and animals. These exploits have an adverse effect on the flora and fauna of those localities; several plants and animals became extinct for ever and many more are in the brink of extinction. A section of the demographics feels that it is so late that nothing can be done to check this predicament, whereas others argue that some productive measures can be taken to combat this grave issue.[Paraphrase] This essay will dwell on both the views and establish my opinion that even though much is lost, we are obliged to preserve whatever is left. [Thesis sentence].

To embark on, the most preponderant argument is that we are increasingly under the threat of climatic changes and we need to terminate deforestation instantly because these are the reasons why plants animals disappearing fast from our planet. [view 1]. For instance, in India, a billion trees project has commenced in order to protect the environment. [example]. Furthermore, the Forest Department has already launched measures to identify the endangered species in order to re-introduce them back in protected areas. Needless to say, all  such steps shall help to conserve whatever is left [Conclusion BP1]. 

On the flip side, some people hold the view that  that the damages caused by human activities are irreversible. It is true that multiple species of plants and animals have already vanished from face of the earth and it is impossible to get them back. [Arguement 2]. Moreover , the the recurring floods and draughts deplete the habitats of plants and animals [explain]. For instance,  the polar bears are not able to take a break while swimming, because glaciers are melting and their habitats are fast disappearing. [example] This scenario cannot be remedied by human and scientific intervention. However, instead of being pessimistic we have to do  everything possible to protect those plants and animals on the red list.[conclusion BP2].

To conclude, the reckless human activities have resulted in the extinction of several species of  plants and animals.  There is a heated argument as to what should be done next. [paraphrase]. This essay has discussed both the views  and validated my opinion that despite the the heavy losses,  we have to strive to protect those which are under imminent threat. [thesis]



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