Sample Essay for April 2022

2.Advantages and Disadvantages

Sample Question

In some countries, the percentage of 15 year-olds in the population is already significant and is continuing to grow. Are there more advantages or disadvantages to this trend?

Currently, there is a burgeoning growth in the number of young adults in several countries around the world. [Paraphrase]In this essay, I will dwell on the positives and negatives of this development. In my opinion, even though there are a few demerits for this , merits are more.[Thesis sentence]

To embark on, there are multiple ways in which the young people could contribute substantially to the economy of the country. First and foremost, these young bloods, who are are full of  energy and enthusiasm can be employed in varied sectors, depending on their education and experience.[First advantages + reasons] A premier example is Japan, where most of the rewarding works are performed by the young people.[Example] Furthermore, they being young are not susceptible to bribery and nepotism.[Second reason] Thus, growing number of young people is a positive sign.[Conclusion]

On the flip side, it is not without any disadvantages. These young ones, who are on the still in their teenage phase, lack proper space for higher education ; consequently, face acute poverty and unemployment . Moreover, there is a propensity for them to to fall in the traps of anti-social elements of the society committing felony. For example, several studies have reveals that most of the anti-social activities, including terrorism, are committed by young people of in their late teens. Thus, growing number of teenagers can pose crisis unless it is tackled judiciously.

To conclude, there is a surge in the young people in many countries.[paraphrase] This essay has discussed the advantages and disadvantages of such a scenario. In my opinion, despite a few minor demerits,  the merits are more.[Thesis]


3. Causes/Effects and Solutions

4. Discuss both Views.


Nowadays most green energy is becoming evermore prevalent in both developing and developed world. Some people believe that they reduce cost and are better for environment. Others believe that they are a serious threat to energy security. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Sample answer:

More and more people around the world are depending on renewable energy because of its  multifarious benefits; however, a section of the demographics is skeptical about its reliability and availability. [Paraphrase].This essay will dwell on both the views and validate my opinion that it is high time that we switched to renewable sources of energy.[Thesis sentence]

To embark on, the proponents of renewables plead that these are a ready and unending source.[View 1] Solar panels can be used in the presence of strong and direct sunlight. Moreover, energy can be sourced using wind, waves or bio-diesel. [Explain argument 1]Solar energy is a premium example; ANERT is doing a commendable work in this field with subsidies from the government.[ Example BP1] Green energy, thus produced, is devoid of emission and environmental friendly. [Conclusion BP1]

On the flip side, the opponents of renewables plead that they are not without any blemishes. First and foremost is the availability of them globally. [View 2]The green energy technologies currently depend on changeable and unpredictable phenomena such as wind, waves, rain and cloud cover. [Explain view 2]. A palpable example is the thousands of huge wind-fans installed in large areas waiting for a good wind to rotate their blades.  [Example BP2]Thus, the renewables can pose threat to energy security. [Conclusion BP2]

To conclude, even though it is often held that green energy is not a total solution to energy crisis, compared to the fossil fuels, they are a better option. [rewite introduction].


5. Two-way question

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Many supermarkets are selling more and more products that are imported, instead of selling food that is locally sourced. What are the reasons for this? Is it it a positive or a negative trend?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer: 

Thanks to globalisation, supermarkets today sell several food  products which are grown in countries abroad compared to the  ones produced regionally. [Paraphrase]. This essay will dwell on the causes of this trend, including the changes in the consumer tastes and a belief that they have more benefits than their native counterparts. In my opinion, this is a negative outcome.[Thesis sentence]. (50words).

To embark on, the principal cause why supermarkets are flooded with foreign food are an exponential shift in the consumer taste and the belief  that such goods possess certain benefits over the edibles produced regionally.  [2 causes]. Firstly, the advances in the air transport has allowed supermarkets to import products, including perishables, from all over the world swifter than in the past. Secondly, imported products usually must pass certain criteria, which are not mandatory for local commodities. [2 causes explained] For instance, imported fruits are examined rigorously to ensure they are devoid of insecticides and meet the requirements regarding nutrition.[Example] Thus, multiple factors contribute to the surge of foreign foods in the local markets.[Conclusion- BP1]

This shift is negative because it is detrimental to the local farmers. [2nd question- answered].The native producers must compete with the giant multinationals, who could afford to sell their products at a lower price. Obviously, the customers buy cheaper products and it is a fatal blow to the local dealers, who are forced to put their shutters down. [Argument explained] For example, a study conducted by the Agricultural Ministry of Punjab reveals that thousands of farmers ceased to grow vegetables because they can no longer face challenges put forwarded by the importers.[Example for BP2]. Therefore, in my opinion, this is a negative development.[Conclusion BP2]

To conclude, even though the the supermarkets enable the shoppers to have more varied products from all around the globe, this process tremendous risks for the local producers and sellers. Thus, this essay has discussed the causes why the supermarkets are saturated with imported products and validated my opinion that it is a negative trend.



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