IELTS TEST Questions 

Noida and Amritsar

22 March 2022.


Part 1

1. Could you please tell me your name?

2. Can I see your ID?

3. Do you live in a house or an apartment?

4. What are the benefits of getting up early?

5. When was the last time you did something in a hurry?

Lets talk about cooking.

6. Who does most of the cooking in your home?

7. Do you cook anything?

8. Where did you learn cooking from?

Lets talk about Social Work.

9. Do you do any social works?

10. Are you a member of any social clubs?

11. Should children be encouraged to do social work?

12. Have you done any charity?

Lets talk about Waiting.

13. Do the people of your country like waiting?

14. What do some people dislike waiting?

15.  What can you do when you are waiting in a line?

16. Have you ever jumped the queue?

Part 2 Cue Card.

Describe an experience when you got bored when you were with others. You should say:

* When it was

* Who you were with 

* What they did

* And explain why you felt bored

Part 3 Discussion

1. Why do people get bored?

2. Some people say that it's good to feel bored sometimes. Do you agree or disagree?

3. What are the jobs that the people of your country find boring?

4. Do you think the robot will replace all work force in the future?

5. Why is that some people find some jobs boring?

6. Why do some people get bored faster than others?

For further reference: 

ESSAY WEEK. A comprehensive study on IELTS Task 2 with structures and sample essays, updated daily, published on 

6 December 2021.


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