IELTS Test Questions

Netherlands, 15 March 2022

Writing task 1 Letter

You have just started a course in a college which has no sports facilities of its own. Write a letter to the manager of the nearest private sports club. In your letter:

* Introduce yourself

* Say why you are interested in this sports club

* Ask about the club e.g. facilities, cost

Begin  your letter as:

Dear Sir/Madam,

Writing task 2. Essay

A lot of People have become dependent on technology as it plays a big role in our daily lives. Do you think that living in the computer age has more advantages than disadvantages? Describe the positive and negative impacts of technology in our lives. 


Part 1

1. Could you please tell me your full name?

2. Can I see your ID?

3. Why do you take IELTS?

4. Tell me about your family.

Lets talk about Reading:

5. What kinds of things do you read?

6. How much time do you spend in reading?

7. At what time of the day do you prefer reading?

8. What is better, reading books or reading online?

9. How has the habit of reading changed over the time?

10. Do you think people will read more or less in the future? 

Part 2. Cue Card

Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired.

You should say:

* What was it

* When 

* How it was broken 

* And explain how it was repaired

Part 3.Discussion

1. How has tools improved in the last few decades?

2. What is better, repairing thongs on their own or hire a professional?

3. What are the things get replaced often?

4. Do you think children replace things faster than adults? 

5. What is better, repairing or buying new things? 


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