Rear View Mirror

 IELTS Test Questions

4 February 2022, Myanmar


Task 1 (Report)

Two maps of a school, in 2002 and today. 

Task 2 Essay

Family members and friends caring for elderly people find it hard to spend enough time looking after them. What are the causes of this problem? What solutions can you suggest?



Part 1

1. What's your full name?

2.Can I see your ID?

3. Where is your home town?

4. Is your hometown a good place to live for young people?

5. In country, at what age children start learning science subjects?

6.Do you like science subjects?

7. How are they useful to you in your daily life?

8. Do you have any pets?

9.  What are the common pets in your country?

10. Do you think children are benefitted by pets?

Part 2 Cue Card

Talk about a skill that was difficult for you to learn. You should say:

* What the skill was 

* Why you learnt it

* Why it was difficult to learn

* And explain how you felt about it

Part 3 Discussion

1. People can learn something without teachers these days. How do they do that?

2. What are the differences between human teachers and other ways to teach yourself something?

3. What are the essential skills that children should learn?

4. Do you think children can learn faster than adults?

5. What are the problems one faces when learning a foreign language?

For further reference

1. ESSAY WEEK. All the five types of Task 2 Essays with structures and model Answers. A lot of tips on Task 2.

Published on 6 December 2021.

2. Speaking Part 1 Questions for January - April 2022, Daily updated.

Published on 9 January 2022

3. Speaking Part 2 and 3 Questions for January- April 2022, Daily updated.

Published on 4 February 2022

4. IELTS General, Letters. Updated daily. Published on 2 January 2022.


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