Rear view Mirror

Rear View Mirror 

IELTS  Speaking Test
17 December 2021.

Thank you Ms Saramma Varghese, our SPECTRA student from France, for these questions given below:

Part 1.

1. Could you please tell your name?
2. Can you please show me your ID?
3. Where do you come from?
4. Are you a  student or do you work?
5. Why did you take that job/study?
Lets talk about:
6. Tell us about your first mobile phone?
7. How often do you use it?
8. Do you think we are using mobile phones more today than a few years ago?
9. Do you think our dependency on mobile phones will grow in the future?
10. Can you please tell me for which purpose are the mobile phones extremely useful?

11. Have ever had a problem with your mobile phone while travelling?

Part 2  Cue Card 

Talk about two people from the same family. You should say:
* What do they look like
* How similar are these two people
* What difference do you find between them?
* Why did you choose to talk about these two people. 

Part 3 Discussion
How many languages do you know?
Which language would you like to learn? Why?
What are the advantages of learning another language?
How can a person learn a language on his/her own?
What difficulties might one face in learning a new language?

Model answers on Learning Languages

1. IELTS Examiner: Why do you think it's important to learn a foreign language?

Candidate: Well, Without any doubt, it is it's very important to learn a foreign language such as English because it proves to be useful while travelling to  foreign lands. Moreover, it enhances one's personality.

2.  IELTS Examiner: What's the most difficult part of learning a foreign language?

Candidate: Well, in my opinion, the most difficult part of learning a foreign language is mastering the foreign accent while speaking. Equally difficult it is to practise the pronunciation.

3. What's, in your opinion, the best way to memorize new words?

Candidate: I believe, the best way to memorize new word is to use them in sentences and  repeat them regularly. For instance, I keep a notebook which I write down the new words with their meanings and usage and revise them on a daily basis. Later, I use these days to write my Task 2 essays.

4. Which is better, learning a new word from translation or by definition?

Candidate: Well, I reckon, the better way to learn a new word is by going through its definition because it will help in understanding the meaning and usage of the word, whereas translation may not be able to make the meaning of the word clear and thus, it would be difficult to learn and use. 

5. Why don't some people know the language of the society they live in?

Candidate: Well, It's true that people who migrated from some other country find it difficult to know the language of the society they live in. It's because of the lack of interest in learning a different language. Moreover, they are not ready to take the pains it requires.

6. What do you think of children learning a foreign language?

Candidate: In my opinion, childhood is the best age to learn a foreign language. They are in the formative period of life when their mind is flexible enough to accept a foreign language easily.  

7. Why some language classes are boring?

Candidate: Well, I don't think language classes are boring. However, if a teacher focuses only the dry principles and laws, certainly the students would find it boring. Hence, the problem is not in the language but how it was taught.

8, Some students hate to learn a foreign language. What can the teachers do to develop their interest?

Candidate: Well, again, I think,  it depend on how the language is taught. If a teacher uses multimedia and technology, for example then the students will find it thrilling. Using educational games can make the classes more interesting.

9. What's the best way to learn a foreign language?


!0 Does age affect their language learning?


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