Recent IELTS Questions

 Recent IELTS Questions

Asked last week at various centres



1. Are there a lot of buildings where you live?
2. What kind of architecture do you like the most?
3. Where would you live if you could live in a home in the world?
4. Is architecture important part of a city's identity?
5. Some people say a city would look better if all buildings follow the same architectural style. How far do you agree?

Notes Making

1. Do you often write down notes?
2. Do you have a lot of notes on your phone?
3. When do you usually make notes?
4. Did you make notes when you were a child?
5. Do you think you will make more or less notes in the future?
6. Is making notes important?
7.Is it common in your country for people to write notes?

Online News

1. Do you read the news online?
2. Is it convenient to read online news?
3. What was the last article you read about?
4. Do you still read newspapers?
5. Can you trust the news online?

Old Age

1. Do you know a lot of old age people?
2. How often do you talk with your grand parents?
3. Do you think people get happier when they are older?
4. Are people living longer in your country?
5. What are the problems that the old people face?
6. Are there any old age homes in your country? 
7. Do you think they are important?
8. Will you live in an old age home when you are old?

Interacting with Others.

1. Do you like talking to strangers?
2. Did you talk to strangers when you were a child?
3. What was the last conversation you had with a stranger?
(Note: This can be a Cue Card question, too)
4. Do you discuss politics with your friends?
5. Are families in your country very talkative?
6. How has talking with others changed over the time?


1. Do you know any celebrities?
2. Which celebrity do you know the most about?
3. Are there any celebrities you would like to meet?
4. What types of people are famous these days?
5. Who were famous in the past?
6. Who, on your opinion, would be famous in the future?
7. Would you like to be a famous person?

Part 2. Cue Cards

1. Talk about an event you attended that had good food. you should say:
* What the event was
* What the food was
* Why did you like it
* And explain why you liked it

2.Talk about a fashion item you want to buy about. You should say: 
* What it is
* Where can you get it 
* How did you know about it
* How expensive it is.
* And explain how you feel about it

3. Talk about a person who taught you how to do something
* Who he/she it was
* What they taught you
* Why you wanted to learn it
* How long did it take it
* And explain how you feel about it.

4.Talk about an animal you want to learn more about. You should say:
* What it is
* How do you know about it
* What is the importance of this animal
* And explain how you feel about it?

5. Talk about a goal you want to achieve in the future. You should say:
* What the goal is
* When you thought about it
* Why you want to achieve it
* How long will it take
* How you will accomplish it?
* And explain how you feel about it 
* Why you want to learn about it



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