
IELTS WritingTask II


IELTS Writing Task II is one of the biggest angst and pressure for many test takers. Now, Bemax  is glad to come forward to offer a helping hand to excel in Task II.

Task II forms the second part of the writing module, where you are presented with an argument, a point of view or a problem and asked to write an essay in response. Your essay should be at least 250 words in length, written in formal style and completed in 40 minutes.

Winning strategy

1.Understand the question.

Understand the question clearly before you attempt to answer because it helps you to know what the examiner is looking for. If you fail to understand the question distinctly, your score will not be higher than 5.

Do the Key Word Analysis (KWA): Identify the question type, the key words and the instructions. This will help you to write to the best satisfaction of the examiner.

2. Planning.

"Failing to plan is planning to fail", says Shakespeare. Devote 5 minutes for it; it is not a waste of time, but an asset. the candidates who reap the best scores invariably plan their answers. it is inevitable to organise your ideas, structure and produce a clear and coherent essay. Moreover, planning helps you to wite in 30 minutes and save the final 5 minutes for proof reading.

3. Introduction.

Introduction reveals the purpose of the essay. It pipes up the examiner what you are going to do in the rest of the paragraphs. The introduction must carry a paraphrase of the general statement and the thesis statement. Avoid the "hook" which is NOT mentioned in the Marking Criteria.

4. Body Paragraphs.

Body paragraphs form the crux; a two-body-paragraph-structure is an optimal one. Each paragraph should contain the man point/s, the supporting ideas, a relevant example and a conclusion of the paragraph.

5. Conclusion.  Conclusion is the summary of what you have already written. In fact, it is a re-statement of the introduction.

(Next week : IELTS Task II Structure.)

The writer is the Senior Trainer of IELTS with BEMAX ACADEMY, Kollam, a premier institution that provides IELTS, OET and PTE.

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  1. Winning strategies are sir presented is excellent


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