
OET Reading- Part A - Miliary Tuberculosis

  OET Reading- Part A - Miliary Tuberculosis Questions 8 -20. Identify the synonyms, and the paraphrase language used in the texts against the questions.  Question 8.  The presence of which medical condition could cause complications while treating miliary tuberculosis? Which Text and why: pose:  complications:  while treating:  Questions: 9. What information might be needed if there is evidence of desaturation? Which Text and Why:  information: might be:  obtained: evidence:  if there is: Question: 10 Why aren't multiple CTs recommended? Which text and why: multiple CTs:  Question: 11 What other medical condition is commonly presented along with miliary TB? Which Text and why: presented along with: Question: 12. What is something that is not always done in medical facilities? Which Text and why:  is not always: done: healthcare: Question: 13 What can affect plasma levels in patients co-infected with HIV?   Which Text and why: ...

OET Speaking, Medicine- 56, Waterborne Illness

  OET Speaking, Medicine- 56. Setting: Sub-urban Clinic Doctor:  This 31-year-old, otherwise healthy patient has been experiencing stomach cramps, nausea, diarrhea, and dizziness for two weeks since swimming in a water hole (a natural hole where water collects) on a hiking trip. He/she originally thought it was the flu, but is now, seeking your advice as the symptoms are persisting. Task * Question the patient to determine if he/she swallowed any contaminated water. * Explain what contaminants' in the contaminated water are. (eg. micro-organisms from animal or human wastes etc) * Recommend tests to confirm the cause (eg. stool sample microscopy, culture and sensitivity, parasites, ova and cysts, test for Norovirus etc) * Recommend symptomatic treatment for now (eg. antiemetics, etc) and wait until the test results come back for specific treatment. * Advise against anti-diarrhoeal agents until tests confirm there is no infective  (bacterial or viral) cause for diarrhoe. ...

OET Speaking, Medicine- 55, Teenager's Drug usage

  OET Speaking, Medicine- 55 Setting: Sub-urban Medical Clinic DOCTOR Your patient has come to see you about his/her 16-year-old son whom he/she suspects is taking illegal drugs. The boy is not present. TASK * Ask questions to establish why the parent thinks that his/her son is taking drugs. * Find out more about the boy (eg, his lifestyle, friendship group, studies etc) * Find out what your patient would like you to do. Ask whether it would be possible for the boy to come and see you in person * Suggest referring the boy to an adolescent psychologistfor assessment and appropriate treatment * Explain the parent some of the possible effects of marijuana (e.g., can affect alertness, concentration, co-ordination etc) * Recommend strategies to convince the son to see the psychologist( empathetic approach, normalize seeking help, provide practically etc                  ***************************************

OET Speaking , Medicine - 54; Heart Palputation

  OET  Speaki ng , Medicine - 54 Setting : Sub-urban Clinic Doctor : *This 29-year-old lawyer has been experiencing heart palpitations. The patient is extremely busy, eats fast food very often, and consumes large amount of coffee. Both his/her examination and ECG are normal. Task: * Ask the patient about his/her heart palpitations. * Suggest that the patient's symptoms could be caused by stress and anxiety.  * Empathise with the patient's situation, but inform him/her that the symptoms are not due to coronary problems. (eg. ECG and physical exams normal, etc.) * Give suggestions to help the patient manage the heart palpitations (eg. stress management, reduction in coffee intake, etc.) Include a healthier diet as a suggestion.  * Recommend ways of eating healthier (eg. making healthier choices in restaurants, etc) and explain that these are important for long-term health.                         ********...

OET Speaking RolePlay - Medicine A&E -53.

  OET Speaking Role Play - Medicine A&E SETTING: A& E Department DOCTOR: The patient presented two hours ago at the A&E Department with his/her four-year-old-son. The child had a 36-hour history of recurrent vomiting and stomach pain which was diagnosed as viral gastroenteritis. He was given oral re-hydration fluids and observed for two hours. He is now ready to be discharged. The child is not present for your discussion with the parent.    TASK * Confirm child is ready to be discharged. Find out about the parent's concerns. * Explain gastroenteritis.(eg., irritation of stomach or intestine due to viral infection, etc.) * Give information about how gastroenteritis is spread(eg.,contact with vomit/faeces of infected person, shaking hands, contaminated foods/objects etc.) * Resist request to keep child in hospital(eg. oral re-hydration therapy is usually effective, etc) Advise on hydration and appropriate clear fluids(eg. watered down unsweetened fruit juice, ...

OET Speaking - Medicine - Discharge

OET Speaking - Medicine - Discharge   Roleplay Card Setting:   Medical Ward DOCTOR:   Your patient is 54 years old and was admitted 2 days ago with right lower lobe pneumonia. He/she has made significant improvement with intravenous antibiotics and the decision made by the team to discharge home with a further 3 days of oral antibiotics from today .  TASK *Explain the reason for today's visit (discuss discharge decision) * Reassure the patient (antibiotics cured pneumonia, satisfactory blood tests, and vital signs, continue oral antibiotics for 3 days etc) * Find out about his/her home and work situation. Stress the importance of rest at home (recovery, prevent communicable diseases, etc). Recommend a medical certificate for a further week off work. * Advise when to return to hospital (not better after 1 week/sooner if symptoms worsen, chest pain, acute shortness of breath, high fever etc) * Inform about follow-up visit (chest x-ray in 6 weeks) Find out any concerns/...

OET Speaking - Roleplay Card: 52-Medicine - Pneumonia

  OET Speaking - Roleplay Card: 52- Medicine SETTING: Medical Ward DOCTOR: Your patient is 54 years old and was admitted 2 days ago with right lower lobe pneumonia. He/she has made significant improvement with intravenous antibiotics and the decision made by the team to discharge home with a further 3 days of oral antibiotics from today .  TASK *Explain the reason for today's visit (discuss discharge decision) * Reassure the patient (antibiotics cured pneumonia, satisfactory blood tests, and vital signs, continue oral antibiotics for 3 days etc) * Find out about his/her home and work situation. Stress the importance of rest at home (recovery, prevent communicable diseases, etc). Recommend a medical certificate for a further week off work. * Advise when to return to hospital (not better after 1 week/sooner if symptoms worsen, chest pain, acute shortness of breath, high fever etc) * Inform about follow-up visit (chest x-ray in 6 weeks) Find out any concerns/ questions. * Expla...